11 Ways to Increase Conversions – Temecula Business Owners Can Use Text Messaging to Make More Sales

Text messaging is a great way for Temecula business owners to get their message out. You can engage with your customers on a personal level, and it won’t cost you anything but the time it takes to send them messages! If you are looking for a new marketing tactic that will generate more sales without costing you any money, try test messaging Temecula businesses with text messages. Here are eleven ways Temecula Business Owners Can Use Text Messaging to Make More Sales:

#1 Engage potential customers via text messaging

by sending them texts about special offers in your area.

This lets them know they’re wanted and appreciated – which is exactly what they want to feel when shopping from another store or restaurant!

#2 Amp up your social media engagement.

So, you’ve already got a great social media presence. Now it’s time to get even more people engaging with it. Use text messages to link to your social media platforms. It’s as simple as this:

“Exclusive offer for our Instagram followers! Simply hit follow and enter to win a $100 gift card to our store!”


“Check out our Facebook page, and see what our customers have to say about us! Follow us and you’ll get a chance to win a site-wide 40% off discount.”

#3 Extend exclusive SMS offers to your customers.

Not just new customers– but those who have purchased from you once or twice in the past and your old faithfuls– would LOVE to receive an exclusive offer from you. This is an easy way to engage or re-engage your customers, and it takes just a quick mass text from you.

It’s also a good idea to give your audience a heads up about these special offers (or any other promotions or sales you’ve got coming up). This will increase the likelihood that they’ll come around to take advantage of it.

And while we’re talking about reminder texts… Don’t forget to send them a text one or two days before the promotion ends. After all, your customers are human. They may have been interested but become sidetracked.

#4 Encourage competition.

Temecula business owners need to engage their audience by creating some fun competition. It’s a win-win: you increase your engagement, and they get to win something cool. 

Try something like this:

“Reply ‘ONEMONTHFREE’ to be entered into a chance to win a free month of our service.”


“Like our stuff? Win a free product up to a $25 value by texting ‘ENTER’ to enter our competition today. Good luck!”

#5 Use feedback surveys and encourage reviews.

Text out a simple survey after your customers have interacted with your business. This info will not only help you make sure you’re on the right track but it can also give you valuable information about where your marketing or customer service strategy is lacking. 

Be sure to ask simple questions so that your audience will be willing to engage. The longer the survey, the less likely that they will stick around to answer all of your questions.

Try out the following survey texts:

“Thanks for stopping by! Your feedback helps us get better. Out of 10, how would you rate your experience today?”

“Based on your experience today, what could we improve on?”

You can also use “feedback” texts to encourage your audience to review you. And why are reviews so important? Because customers read reviews on everything these days, and without any, you’re likely to get passed up for a brand with more online clout.

Simply text a customer after they’ve bought your product or service and ask if they’d be willing to leave you a positive review. Then, add a review link to the message. If you find that your audience just isn’t taking the bait, consider an incentive for those willing to click on your review link and tell the online world about their experience.

#6 Target specific customers with personalized text messages.

When you can, find ways to target specific customers through text. We all know that text gets opened and answered more readily than email, so it’s important to start targeting through this medium too. 

Using customer behavior as a guide, text personalized messages like this:

“Still interested in the 6-month massage package? Click the link below to read what other customers are saying.”


“Get these quirky turquoise end tables before we run out. Click HERE to buy now.”

#7 Reach back out to prior customers.

Text messages are a quick and easy way to remind your prior customers that you’re still in business and that you’ve got some new products or services that you want them to see. 

Try to personalize the message so that your customers know they’re missed. Consider one of the following options:

“We haven’t seen you in a while. Come back within the next month and we’ll give you 10% off your purchase.”


“Still interested in our products? We’d love to chat. Contact us with any questions you have. We’re here to talk!”

Just be sure, though, that you do leave clear contact instructions so that your customers can respond when they’re comfortable and without having to search the internet for information.

#8 Use text messages to remind your customers of their upcoming appointments or meetings with you.

Don’t waste time and money by standing around waiting for a no-call, no-show. Instead, help your customers (and your bottom line) by sending out reminder texts to confirm any scheduled event. This allows people to quickly respond YES or NO to this engagement, and it allows you to focus on other things instead of waiting around.

#9 Build relationships with your customers.

Be careful about automating all of your outgoing texts. This can make your business feel mechanical and disconnected. Instead, when relevant, have conversations with your customers through text. 

Show your customers that there really is a human being on the other end by using one of the following:

“Hello, NAME! You seem interested in our products. Are there any questions I can answer for you?”


“Hey there, NAME! I just saw this deal and I thought you’d like to take a look. Click HERE if you’re interested.”

#10 Link to other content.

Distribute your website, blog, or Youtube video content through SMS. Simply tell people, through text, what you’ve got going on in other places. Just make sure it’s relevant to the audience’s needs so that they don’t view it as another bothersome text.

Here are some examples that you could try:

“Check out my latest video on how to avoid email scams: LINK.”


“Why buy our products? Check out this comparison chart between us and the competition: LINK”

#11 Use texts to upsell.

After your customers have purchased your product or service, send them your recommendations for future purchases based on their order history. For example, if your customer has just purchased wrinkle cream, use this as an opportunity to upsell the accompanying night cream. 

Of course, this will take a little bit of time, but you can group your customers by purchase and send these in batches.

Whats Next

If you’ve been considering adding text messaging to your marketing strategy now is the time. With more than 3 billion people having access to a mobile phone worldwide and an average of 6 messages per day sent on most carriers in North America (and 11 texts per day on average), it is clear that texting has become engrained into our culture as one of the best ways to communicate. Furthermore, according to research by InMoment – 90% of consumers who receive a personalized message from a company are likely or somewhat likely to purchase something from that company.* It seems like there’s no better time for companies looking for increased conversions and engagement with their audience through text messaging. We would love help getting started! 

Keith Motte
Author: Keith Motte